Decisions from the April 2024 Advertisement Board Meeting

23.05.2024 Doğukan Kalınoğlu
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The Advertisement Board is an administrative authority established under Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers, which is in charge and authorized to determine the principles to be followed in commercial advertisements and to make regulations to protect consumers against unfair commercial practices, to conduct examinations and audits when necessary within the framework of these issues, to take necessary measures or to impose administrative fines according to the results of the examination and audit.

It is essential that commercial advertisements to be made by undertakings must comply with the principles determined by the Advertisement Board, general morality, public order, and personal rights, and must be honest and truthful. The Advertisement Board is authorized to impose administrative fines of up to TRY 2,200,258 and to enforce sanctions and measures to suspend the aforementioned advertisements and unfair commercial practices against those who advertise in violation of these principles and basics. The Advertisement Board assembles once a month and decides on the commercial advertisements complained about. 

It should not be forgotten that the Advertisement Board can examine companies from all sectors, impose administrative fines on companies, and has the authority to suspend commercial advertisements and practices. Thus, it is important for undertakings that advertise on the internet and social media as well as traditional channels to comply with the legislation and principle decisions of the Advertisement Board.

The Advertisement Board published the Press Release of its April 2024 meeting dated 16.04.2024 and numbered 344 on the website of the Ministry of Trade on 13.05.2024. There are 161 decisions in the Press Release and the details of these decisions are summarized below:

  • In a total of 66 decisions, administrative fines amounting to more than TRY 29 million were imposed on the relevant undertakings.
  • In 73 decisions, although a violation was detected, it was not deemed necessary to impose an administrative fine, but the relevant advertisements and commercial practices were suspended.
  • Complaints brought to the attention of the Advertisement Board are mostly related to commercials by companies operating in the technology and IT, telecommunications, e-commerce, health, and pharmaceutical sectors. In addition, companies in the real estate, clothing, cosmetics and chemicals, tourism, and food sectors have also been fined by the Advertisement Board.

The full Turkish text of the Press Release and the April 2024 decisions of the Advertisement Board

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