Nuclear Regulation Law Has Entered into Force

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The Nuclear Regulation Law No. 7381 (“The Law”) has entered into force through its publication in the Official Gazette dated 08.03.2022 and numbered 31772. The Law introduces many rules and regulations to minimize the risks that can be result from the nuclear energy and ionizing radiation activities.

The Nuclear Regulation Authority (“The Authority”) has been established under the Law. The Law, by restricting the authority of other public institutions and organizations, has invested the Authority with broad powers. The Authority, within the scope of the regulated powers, can (i) grant a license and authorization document to people, carrying out nuclear energy activities and (ii) spot-checking. Moreover, the Authority has also the power to conduct inspections with regard to the contractors, sub-contractors, and suppliers of the authorized persons.

Furthermore, pursuant to the Law, it is regulated that, alongside the Nuclear Regulation Authority, the Nuclear Damage Detection Commission can be established in order to assess the applications of those who have been harmed from the nuclear activities and render decisions with regard to this issue.

Besides, the Law requires mandatory nuclear insurance for the people carrying out nuclear activities. In this respect, the nuclear insurance pools are also regulated.

The Law also includes numerous provisions related to damage claims and compensation. Those are; (i) categorizing the liability of persons who operate nuclear activity as a liability without fault, (ii) a specific statute of limitation, and (iii) investing Turkish courts and Ankara Courts with peremptory power.

The Law has entered into force on its publication date 08.03.2022.

You may find the full text of the Law here.

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