The Regulation on Organ Transplantation Services is Published

09.12.2022 Melis Uslu
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The Regulation on Organ Transplantation Services (Regulation) entered into force following its publication in the Official Gazette dated 09.12.2022 and numbered 32038. Significant amendments introduced by the Regulation are summarized below.

  • Organ transplant centers (Transplant Centers) shall be established as a unit within hospitals belonging to public institutions and organizations and real or legal persons.
  • Transplant Centers may operate with a single license, provided that they obtain separate permits for each type of organ.
  • The Ministry of Health is authorized for planning the service, granting operating permits and licenses.
  • A Transplant Center council shall be established for each organ type in Transplant Centers. The duties, responsibilities and working procedures of the Transplant Center council are regulated by the Regulation.
  • At least two physicians shall be assigned to Transplant Centers, one of whom shall be the specialist in charge and the other shall be the assistant specialist in charge. Details regarding the personnel, including the specialist in charge, are set out in the Regulation.
  • The Regulation also sets forth the supervision of Transplant Centers, the prohibitions and sanctions applicable to and the obligations of the Transplant Centers.

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