Recent Keynotes of November 2020
International Agreements
- The Resolution of the President dated 30.10.2020 and numbered 3153 on the Ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Turkish Republic and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on Construction Works was published in the Official Gazette dated 31.10.2020 and numbered 31290.
- The Resolution of the President dated 30.10.2020 and numbered 3154 on the Ratification of the Agreement between the Turkish Republic and the Republic of Serbia on the Entrance into Force of the Grant on Health was published in the Official Gazette dated 31.10.2020 and numbered 31290.
- The Resolution of the President dated 10.11.2020 and numbered 3191 on the Ratification of the Sectoral Agreement between the Turkish Republic and the European Commission on the Regulation and Application of the Grant of the Union to the Turkish Republic for Agriculture and Rural Development Policy Area (IPARD) under the name of Instrument for Pre-Accession was published in the Official Gazette dated 11.11.2020 and numbered 31301.
Resolutions of the President
- The Resolution of the President dated 20.10.2020 and numbered 3099 on Supporting Livestock Investments entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 21.10.2020 and numbered 31281.
- The Annex Resolution to the Resolution on the Import Regime (No: 3100) entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 21.10.2020 and numbered 31281.
- The Resolution of the President dated 26.10.2020 and numbered 3134 on the Extension of the Duration of Short-Term Working Allowance for Workplaces that have been Short-Worked Due to a Compelling Reason Within the Context of Cyclical Situations Caused by External Effects Due to the New Coronavirus (Covid-19) was published in the Official Gazette dated 27.10.2020 and numbered 31287.
- The Resolution of the President dated 26.10.2020 and numbered 3135 on the Extension of the Periods Indicated in the First and Second Clauses of Provisional Article 10 of Labor Law No. 4857 dated 22.5.2003 for Two Months as of 17.11.2020 was published in the Official Gazette dated 27.10.2020 and numbered 31287.
- The Annex Resolution to the Resolution on the Import Regime (No: 3182) entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 05.11.2020 and numbered 31295.
- The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on Land and Plot Arrangements entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 21.10.2020 and numbered 31281.
- The Regulation on the Electronic ID Authentication System of Turkish Republic IDs entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 22.10.2020 and numbered 31282.
- The Regulation on the Amendment of the Implementation Regulation of the Organized Industrial Zones entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 22.10.2020 and numbered 31282.
- The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on National Marker Application in the Petroleum Market entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 24.10.2020 and numbered 31284.
- The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principals of the Application of Provisional Article 13 of Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102 entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 28.10.2020 and numbered 31288.
- The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on Customs entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 31.10.2020 and numbered 31290.
- The Communiqué on Maximum Interest Rate to be Applied for Credit Card Transactions (No: 2020/16) entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 31.10.2020 and numbered 31290.
- The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on Warranty Cards was published in the Official Gazette dated 05.11.2020 and numbered 31295. The Regulation enters into force on 01.01.2021.
- The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on After Sales Services was published in the Official Gazette dated 05.11.2020 and numbered 31295. The Regulation enters into force on 01.01.2021.
- The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on Introduction and User Guide was published in the Official Gazette dated 05.11.2020 and numbered 31295. The Regulation enters into force on 01.01.2021.
- The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on Environmental Permits and Licenses entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 06.11.2020 and numbered 31296.
- The List on Investment Incentives for September, 2020 was published in the Official Gazette dated 12.11.2020 and numbered 31302.
- The Regulation on the Renewable Energy Resource Guarantee Certificate in the Electricity Market was published in the Official Gazette dated 14.11.2020 and numbered 31304. The Regulation enters into force on 01.06.2021.
- The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on Certification and Support of Renewable Energy Resources entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 14.11.2020 and numbered 31304.
- The Law on the Amendment of Some Laws and Restructuring of Some Debts No. 7256 was published in the Official Gazette dated 17.11.2020 and numbered 31307. Articles of the Law enter into force on different dates.
- The Communiqué on Repealing the Communiqué on the Uniform Chart of Accounts and Prospectus to be applied by Financial Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies was published in the Official Gazette dated 19.11.2020 and numbered 31309. The Communiqué enters into force on 01.01.2021.
- The Communiqué on Repealing the Communiqué on the Uniform Chart of Accounts and Prospectus to be applied by Participation Banks entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 19.11.2020 and numbered 31309. The Communiqué enters into force on 01.01.2021.
Mergers and Acquisitions
- The Board declared that the acquisition of the aluminium sulphate facilities of Ak-Kim Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. located in Kocaeli and Osmaniye by Kimya Market Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. is not subject to authorization. (10.2020, 20-47/643-BD)
- The Board authorized the acquisition of the sole control of Refinitiv Business Line by London Stock Exchange Group plc. (22.10.2020, 20-47/650-284)
- The Board authorized the acquisition of the sole control of Şafak Gıda ve Dayanıklı Tüketim Maddeleri Ticaret Sanayi A.Ş. by Altun Gıda İhtiyaç Tüketim Maddeleri İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (22.10.2020, 20-47/649-283)
- The Board authorized the acquisition of the shared control of Gunnebo AB by Stena Adactum AB, in the name of Stena Sphere, and Altor Fund Manager AB, in the name of Altor Fund V. (22.10.2020, 20-47/640-282)
- The Board authorized the acquisition of the sole control of Kayalar Holding B.V. by Kayalar Family B.V. (22.10.2020, 20-47/639-281)
- The Board authorized the acquisition of shared control of the funds linked to Warburg Pincus LLC (Warburg) or the funds managed by Warburg and funds linked to Vista Equity Partners Management LLC (Vista), or funds managed by Vista. (22.10.2020, 20-47/637-279)
- The Board authorized the establishment of a joint venture to finance the establishment of a global plane financing platform by GE Capital Aviation Services Limited and GE Capital Aviation Services LLC via the investment funds (Primary Investors) controlled by Pacific Investment Management Company LLC. (05.11.2020, 20-48/659-290)
- The Board authorized the acquisition of the sole control of Samsung Suzhou LCD Co., Ltd. and Samsung Suzhou Module Co., Ltd., finally by TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., which is controlled by TCL Technology Group Corporation. (05.11.2020, 20-48/654-286)
- The Announcement on the Index and Price Cap Bulletin Regarding the Price Difference Practices was published on the official website of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority on 10.2020.
- The Announcement on the Publication of the Market Sector Reports of August, 2020 was published on the official website of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority on11.2020.
- The Announcement on the allocation of existing international interconnection line capacity to the transmission level between Turkey - Iraq was published on the official website of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority on 11.2020.
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Other Contents

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